a little bit about me.

Hello, my name is Aoghan (he/him). I am a 23 year old student, studying creative digital media in TUD Blanchardstown.

Always having a strong passion for photography; I decided to join this course in 2022 and have enjoyed every minute since. Through this course I have learned a lot of different hard and soft skills such as web and graphic design as well as team work and problem solving.

I am an enthusiastic and passionate student who takes a lot of care and patience in my work and in my time to help others.

download my CV here 🙂

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my skills

01 Web Design

Funnily enough; I didn’t expect to enjoy coding modules when I started this course but it ended being my favourite and probably my strongest module. I love learning more about HTML, CSS and JavaScript and have recently started learning Python.

02 App Design

I have never actually done a module in app design with this course but for my Group Project module I help design an app prototype called Pathfinder. For Pathfinder we studied a lot of videos in UX/UI app design and branding. You can check out Pathfinder here

03 Photography

Photography is probably my strongest passion both on and off campus. I love checking out new places with my Canon 600D and taking a lot of photos. You can check out some of my photography here

04 Illustration

I do enjoy using Adobe Illustrator and InDesign. I like doing projects in this field such as branding and illustrating as I think they bring out the most creativity in me. I have previously designed a magazine, movie posters and book covers for projects in college which you can check out here

05 Sound Design

Sound design is probably my longest passion out of everything here as a huge music fan. I’ve always loved here how music was made and how sounds in general are recorded, I have done work in the studio such as recording and mixing frequencies.

06 Video Editing

I have edited a few projects in Premiere Pro. My favourite part about editing is the colour grading and creating a theme for a project. I love watching film and getting my editing and writing from filmmakers.


A group of students and I raised over 30,000 euro and travelled to Ghana to do charity work and give donations to a small orphanage via Projects Abroad